Argus Mexico Fuel Markets Report

Argus Mexico Fuel Markets offers delivered prices for gasoline, diesel, blendstocks and LPG, along with news and analysis.

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Where to turn for emerging opportunities in Mexico 

Daily waterborne delivered prices for gasoline, diesel, blendstocks and LPG

business-man-talking-about-cash-dollars - Blue.png Additional insight and pricing as market evolves

News and analysis

- Step-by-step opening of Mexico’s fuel market
- Mexican regulatory changes
- Supply and demand trends
- Private sector investment plans in logistics and storage

Granular logistics costs, retail prices 
- Domestic refinery statistics
- Downstream, midstream developments (operations, infrastructure and commercial strategies)  

Spin Straw into Gold

  • Daily waterborne delivered prices for gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, propane, ethanol and MTBE
  • Expanded edition featuring domestic refinery statistics every Friday
  • Logistics costs and retail prices and more!
Market-moving news and analysis:
  • Mexican retail pricing policy and regulatory changes
  • Comprehensive supply and demand trends
  • Private-sector investment plans in logistics and storage
  • Downstream, midstream operational developments
  • Evolving Mexico and US fiscal policies