Argus Crude
Daily news prices and analysis for more than 80 different internationally-traded crude streams. Some key features of this report includes:
- Global crude prices, including daily differentials to DME's Oman crude futures settlement prices, and high-level market analysis
- Market-moving news on top crude market developments
- End-of-day summary report
- Argus Bulletin Board: See deal and bid/offer information quickly, anytime, anywhere
- Robust, transparent methodology developed with the industry
- Downloadable market data at your fingertips
Argus Global Markets
Drawing on Argus’ daily oil price reporting expertise, this weekly service features intelligent, independent coverage on derivatives, arbitrage, market fundamentals and global trading. Some key features of this report includes:
- Insightful editorials
- Essential news and analysis of the most important oil market developments
- Global crude prices
- Timely, in-depth reports on the fundamentals driving market movements
- Informative futures market coverage
- Argus Netback Model, which calculates netback margins for a range of crudes in northwest Europe, the US Gulf coast and Singapore
- Downloadable market data at your fingertips, from refinery turnarounds, output and maintenance to global oil production, supply-demand balance, crude and products loading schedules, imports, exports and stocks
Argus China Petroleum
In-depth daily coverage of oil markets in China via the Argus Direct portal as well as a monthly PDF. The report provides a detailed analysis of Chinese government statistics and policies, developments in the Chinese crude market and insights from specialists on the ground. Some key features of the report includes:
- Chinese oil and gas demand
- Chinese domestic spot market
- Crude imports and exports by country of origin
- Gas production, demand and imports and exports
- Refinery runs and product output by province
- Chinese crude production, storage capacity and expansion plans
- Chinese refinery expansion and upgrade plans
- Key oil prices such as Argus delivered Shandong crude prices
- Chinese refining margins estimates