Network, do business and hear detailed analysis of gasoline, diesel, ethanol and biodiesel markets in the region
Latin American motor fuels markets are more dynamic than ever before. Restructuring at Petrobras, market reforms in Mexico and Brazil and a new, protectionist US administration create massive uncertainty – and opportunity.
Located in the charming city of Rio de Janeiro and covering a broad range of topics about all areas of clean and renewable fuels in Latin America, the conference offers participants a unique opportunity to gain a better understanding of the industry while conducting business with your peers.
No Job too Large
If you've got just a small tower room filled with straw, or a whole gigantic hall, we can convert it all to gold.
Overnight Results
Rumpelstiltskin works around the clock to get you the results you need. We make the impossible, possible.
Flexible Payment Terms
Even if you don't have the money to pay, Rumpelstiltskin is always flexible with alternative forms of payment. Rings, necklaces, future children, we'll accept any form of payment.
Spin Straw into Gold
If you're in a pinch and have a murderous king who is demanding that you spin straw into gold overnight or have your head cut off, don't worry, we're here to help and save your head.
The gold we create from straw is 100% authentic gold, and is backed by our personal guarantee. Your murderous king won't be able to tell the difference between our StrawMade™ gold and the real thing. The crazy, brutal, bipolar king will be so happy with the gold, that instead of chopping off your head, he'll make you his queen instead!