Argus PVC and Vinyls is a weekly pricing service containing the latest price assessments, supply, demand and trade information for global and regional EDC, VCM and PVC markets. Argus’ commentary and market analysis detail relevant changes in prices and fundamentals, demonstrating how such drivers can potentially shift the markets.


Used by the global chlor-vinyls industry, this weekly report provides an independent price reference to help you secure the most competitive prices in both contract and spot markets. You can negotiate contracts from a position of strength, better inform your annual contracting strategy, and track supply chain risks.


This global service provides you with the most integrated market view by drawing on insight from across the Argus portfolio, including interconnected datasets from crude oil, naphtha, ethylene, energy and chlor-alkali markets. Through a combination of news, commentary, prices and forward views, Argus PVC and Vinyls enable you to make procurement and trading decisions with confidence.


Insight Paper: Unravelling recent price methodology changes >>


Markets covered:

  • Oil feedstocks – crude oil, naphtha, ethylene
  • Chlor-alkali – caustic soda and chlorine
  • Chlor-vinyl monomers – EDC and VCM
  • PVC – suspension and paste grades

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Key Features 

Global service
Global coverage, news and analysis in a single, concise and integrated service.

Regional prices
Price assessments for EDC, VCM, PVC and upstream feedstocks across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

Feedstocks and base chemicals insight
See how oil feedstocks, energy, chlor-alkali and base chemicals like EDC, VCM and PVC play a role in your business.


Fundamentals analysis
Plant operating status, trade flows and demand drivers.


Dynamic dashboard
Powerful, real-time visualization tool designed to help you analyse your markets faster.


Access to specialists
Argus’ experienced and respected experts know your markets.

Customers that benefit

  • EDC, VCM, PVC producers
    Use our price assessments to support contract negotiations; use our data and market analysis for an independent view on supply, demand and market dynamics for negotiations, budget planning and weekly commercial management strategies.
  • Large global converters 
    Use Argus pricing data and analysis for construction, automotive and packaging segments.
  • Traders and distributors 
    Use our global price data, regional market analysis, and capacity lost analysis to review arbitrage and trade opportunities, and to support price negotiations. 
  • Chemical equity analysts 
    Use our price data to model listed companies producing, or with major spend on EDC, VCM and PVC. Use global market analysis and news to keep abreast of the latest market dynamics.