Webinar: Shifting Gears – Key factors driving gasoline markets in 2025


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The oil refining industry as been facing many challenges, and this is set to continue, as detailed in our Spotlight Report .

Join us at this webinar to hear our market experts answer some of the most pressing questions being raised about the outlook of the global gasoline market:

  • Atlantic basin gasoline supply – what structural changes emerged in 2024 and what’s to come?

  • Have gasoline cracks found a floor, or is there further to fall?

  • How is the uptake of new energy vehicles impacting the gasoline market?


These are just some of the questions that are addressed.


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Benedict George

Benedict is the Editor of the Argus European Products Report. Before holding this role, he was responsible for assessing Argus’ European diesel and gasoil prices from 2019 to 2023, during the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He has also led Argus data and news coverage on the European refining industry throughout that time. Benedict holds an MA degree in Financial Journalism from City, University of London and a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford.


Atishya Nayak

Atishya is a Reporter on the European Products market from Argus London, covering the gasoline market including the Eurobob barge market. She joined Argus is 2023 and has been on the products desk since. She holds an MSc in Development Economics from King's College London and a BA in Economics.

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Elliot Radley

Elliot is the Editorial Manager for Oil at Argus Media, overseeing the teams responsible for publishing Argus’ refined products, crude, LPG and speciality product assessments. Elliot has covered markets ranging gasoline, diesel, North Sea and West African crudes, and biofuels during his more than eleven years at Argus. He graduated from the University of Bristol with a Master’s degree in chemistry. Prior to joining Argus, Elliot worked for pulp and paper consultancy Hawkins Wright.

Also taking place:
Engines Stalling – How slower global growth will impact diesel markets in 2025

Date: Tuesday 11th February
Time: 2pm GMT/8am CST/6pm GST

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Daily price reports, business intelligence services, forward curves, near-term outlooks and long-term analytics - using transparent market-appropriate methodologies.