Achieving net zero with the use of renewable energy is a major consideration for all parts of the economy. Energy producers, suppliers and utilities, trading companies, energy-intensive consumers and financial investors are increasingly using market mechanisms to document renewable energy consumption across supply chains.


The Argus Global Energy Certificates report supports the full range of market participants and delivers:

  • Electricity and biomethane energy attribute certificate prices
  • European guarantees of origin (GOOs)
  • International renewable energy certificates (I-RECs)
  • UK renewable energy guarantees of origin (REGOs)
  • UK, Danish and Dutch renewable gas guarantees of origin (RGGOs)
  • Over-the-counter market trade data and liquidity analysis
  • Live news, in-depth analysis and regulatory updates
  • Daily and weekly prices available via digital feeds and Argus online portal


This report provides key analytics and an independent view of the market, which helps our clients make more informed decisions for their energy attribute certificate portfolio.


Argus’ dedicated market research and access, and resulting price methodologies, means robust price assessments and indexes, bringing transparency to the trade in green energy premiums.

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About Argus

Argus Media is a leading independent provider of energy and commodity price benchmarks. We produce trusted price assessments and market commentary, as well as bespoke consulting services and industry-leading conferences. Companies in 140 countries around the world use our data to index physical trade and as benchmarks in financial derivative markets as well as for analysis and planning purposes.