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The Latin American steel market is set to face further challenges in 2025 as its markets struggle with steep rises in import volumes, primarily from Asia. Some governments — Brazil, for example — are imposing regulations and other measures to curb import of cheap steel. Others are poised to receive more imported products because of gaps in their domestic production capabilities. Argus on 17 October launched its first Latin American steel prices — Brazil ex-works HRC and HRC import cfr Brazil — to better help stakeholders navigate the changing market.
Join Marialuisa Rincon, Deputy Editor, Argus Scrap Markets and Carolina Pulice, Metals Reporter as they explore the fundamentals of the Brazilian and wider Latin American steel markets and the need for the new Brazilian steel price assessments.
Price assessments and market-moving commentaries, news and analyses across the global markets of flat, long, semi-finished and stainless steel.