Key features 

  • Fundamentals to 2050: Country-by-country demand and supply forecast for key hydrogen markets to 2050.
  • Demand sectors coverage: Insight into end-use sectors including refining, fertilisers, power generation, gas blending, road transport, steel, maritime and aviation.
  • Green and blue projects​: Hydrogen project pipeline by country, including developers, production capacity, timelines, renewable energy generation, electrolyser details, and offtake agreements​.
  • Country-by-country: Detailed analysis of the hydrogen strategy in Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, China, Oman, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
  • Breakeven price analysis: Hydrogen technologies versus sector incumbents and other alternative fuels.
  • Downloadable datasets: Excel data files with key data for demand and breakeven prices by sector.
  • Regional and global coverage: This report covers Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. Future reports will cover Europe and Africa, and the Americas.
  • Access to specialists: Speak to the experts behind Argus’ long-term market analysis.

Get the answers to pressing questions 

  • At what price will hydrogen be competitive to incumbent fuels, and how will these prices develop in each sector?
  • Which countries are best positioned to produce low or zero carbon hydrogen?
  • Will regulation, carbon taxes or incentives be required to unlock the potential of low or zero carbon hydrogen projects?
  • What are the key blue and green hydrogen projects being developed?
  • What is the global forecast for low or zero carbon hydrogen demand to 2050, and in which end-use segments?

Analysis of key market trends 

  • Projected volume and drivers of growth in the market for hydrogen as a decarbonization fuel.
  • Hydrogen’s competitive position in the decarbonizing economy and sectors expected to adopt hydrogen.
  • The factors likely to determine the development of low-carbon hydrogen capacity and the locations likely to become key supply hubs and demand centres.

Customers that benefit 

  • Green energy project developers
    Understand where the best locations are to develop green energy projects, given factors such as a country’s decarbonization policies and targets, access to subsidies, offtake potential, etc.
  • Oil and gas
    Understand whether existing fossil-based production portfolios should be adapted to incorporate low carbon hydrogen and how this can be achieved.
  • Hydrogen producers
    Understand what sectors will demand hydrogen, in what quantities, in what form and when.
  • Hydrogen technology companies
    Inform strategic decisions around manufacturing capacity required, when to build, what to build, and where to locate production facilities.
  • EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) service providers
    Understand which sectors are likely to adopt hydrogen and when, to more efficiently deploy resources to develop the most profitable opportunities.
  • Commodity traders, storage owners and distributors
    Understand the evolution of hydrogen and hydrogen derivative trade routes and volumes to formulate trading strategies, plan required infrastructure build and establish partnerships.
  • Financial investors
    Gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors likely to support or impede hydrogen-related opportunities to inform investment decisions that are aligned with their strategic goals.


‘Hard-to-abate’ sectors

  • Steel production: Understand which countries have steel decarbonisation strategies, the companies exploring green steel initiatives, the technological readiness and status of projects, and economic competitiveness of green steel production.
  • Marine fuel supply chain: Understand the potential for various low carbon bunker fuels (hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, and biofuels) considering International Maritime Organisation (IMO) targets becoming increasingly more stringent.
  • Aviation supply chain: Understand the demand drivers (i.e. policy, feedstock) for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), market potential and which geographies are likely to be demand centres.


New demand sectors

  • Power generation and utilities: Understand the potential and pace at which hydrogen can be used to reduce emissions in power generating assets – either as ammonia co-fired in coal-based power plants or as hydrogen blended with natural gas in gas-based power plants.
  • Transport: Understand hydrogen’s potential penetration across various vehicle segments (heavy goods vehicles, buses, taxis, and passenger cars) versus competing (battery and fossil-fuel) alternatives, in the context of available policy and subsidy support.
  • Residential heating: Understand a country’s initiatives for blending hydrogen in the gas network (for residential and commercial use), blending rates, demand potential and timelines.