Webinar: Understanding WTI: The evolution of US crude exports


Available on-demand

US Midland-quality WTI is now firmly at the centre of price discovery for crude. It is a key component of the Dated Brent benchmark and increasingly the source of swing supply for the global market, with European and Asian buyers beginning to purchase crude on a WTI Houston basis.

Cargo markets, by nature, consist of a few large, single trades. But on the US Gulf coast, cargoes are priced at a differential to pipeline supplies, so they benefit from the underlying price dynamics of the highly liquid and transparent US pipeline market.


For these reasons, understanding the WTI supply chain and what drives its price formation is imperative for anyone buying, selling, or trading crude worldwide. Our expert team of crude market reporters will endeavour to capture this in the second part of our WTI value chain webinar.


This webinar will investigate the WTI value chain on waterborne markets. The first episode looked into upstream and midstream WTI pricing, and now our focus will be on the WTI chain at the US Gulf coast, and more specifically, WTI fob USGC.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How the US shale boom in the Permian basin has impacted crude exports
  • How primary waterborne operations and infrastructure at the US Gulf coast function, and how they may evolve in the future
  • How the maturing USGC market has formed and the way in which it trades
  • How WTI exports can interact with demand in Europe and Asia, as well as global freight rates, to help shape global trade flows

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Amanda Hilow
Deputy Editor, Crude
Argus Media

Amanda Hilow is the deputy editor of the Argus Americas Crude report. She has 10 years of experience leading coverage of various crude markets including the US Gulf coast, Latin America and Canada. Her primary focus has been the growing US waterborne crude market, for which Amanda helped pioneer several key pricing mechanisms from inception and through several rounds of expansion and development.

Jeff Kralowetz
Vice President Business Development, Crude
Argus Media

Jeff opened Argus' Calgary office in 2010 and was posted there for three years as Canada Country Manager. He worked with Gus Vasquez and others to introduce Argus WTI Houston price assessment at MEH in 2015, and has travelled widely in Europe and Asia, meeting with market participants who now use WTI pricing in their businesses. 

Understanding WTI: Upstream pricing

If you missed the first Understanding WTI webinar, please follow the link below to access it on demand.